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HTML 5学习资源推荐——附电子书下载
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- CSS2.0中文手册
- HTML和CSS网页标准指南
- JavaScript参考手册
- JavaScript参考手册中文版
- JavaScript高级教程
- JavaScript使用手册
- 样式表滤镜中文手册
- 样式表中文手册2.0
- 网页制作完全手册
- CSS3.0中文参考手册
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1、《HTML5: Up and Running》
HTML5: Up and Running 中文名:HTML5揭秘 作者:Mark Pilgrim
该书详细介绍HTML 5新特征,使用实例展示HTML 5强大的功能,另外书中还详细介绍HTML 5开发技巧。该书适合前端Web开发工程师参考使用。
该书详细介绍HTML 5新特征,使用实例展示HTML 5强大的功能,另外书中还详细介绍HTML 5开发技巧。该书适合前端Web开发工程师参考使用。
- 新的元素,如<header>,<footer>和<section>(第3章)</section></footer></header>
- Canvas元素,使用 JavaScript 在网页上绘制图像。(第4章)
- 你可以在网页中嵌入视频,而不使用第三方插件(第5章)。
- Geolocation,借助它,浏览者可以在你的Web应用中分享自己的地理位置(第6章)。
- 永久的本地存储,而不用使用第三方插件(第7章)。
- 离线Web应用,即使网络中断也能工作(第8章)。
- HTML网页窗体的改进(第9章)。
- Microdata,让你创造属于自己的词汇表,并使用自定义的语言来扩展你的网页。(第10章)
3、《Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and Java》
Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and Java Jonathan Stark 著
If you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop Android applications. This hands-on book shows you how to use these open source web standards to design and build apps that can be adapted for any Android device -- without having to use Java.
You'll learn how to create an Android-friendly web app on the platform of your choice, and then convert it to a native Android app with the free PhoneGap framework. Discover why device-agnostic mobile apps are the wave of the future, and start building apps that offer greater flexibility and a broader reach.
If you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop Android applications. This hands-on book shows you how to use these open source web standards to design and build apps that can be adapted for any Android device -- without having to use Java.
You'll learn how to create an Android-friendly web app on the platform of your choice, and then convert it to a native Android app with the free PhoneGap framework. Discover why device-agnostic mobile apps are the wave of the future, and start building apps that offer greater flexibility and a broader reach.
- Learn the basics for making a web page look great on the Android web browser
- Convert a website into a web application, complete with progress indicators and more
- Add animation with jQTouch to make your web app look and feel like a native Android app
- Take advantage of client-side data storage with apps that run even when the Android device is offline
- Use PhoneGap to hook into advanced Android features -- including the accelerometer, geolocation, and alerts
- Test and debug your app on the Web under load with real users, and then submit the finished product to the Android Market
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